35th Chat & Eat Night (Sustainable Seafood Tapas) at Elseafood

The Sea Change Wine flowed in-between good conversations around the table and exceptional sustainable seafood Tapas shared at tonight’s 35th Chat and Eat Night at elseafood.uk.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Charlotte and Martin and their team tonight, Nathan and Jade for welcoming us back, for the second time this year.
Chef Martin provided us with the following tapas dishes:
* Mussels, bacon & spinach gratin
* Wild mushroom, chestnut charred aubergine & truffle gratin

* Loaded crab fries, chefs lobster cheese sauce, chilli & chive

* Vegan cheddar and crispy cavalo nero loaded fries
* Haddock and gruyere croquettes, sweetcorn & garlic dip

* Padron peppers

* Marinated artichokes with black garlic and rocket pesto, balsamic salad and pickles.

I would also like to thank them for pinning down Matt Slater of the Cornwall Good Seafood Guide / Cornwall Wildlife Trust and for getting him to agree to be our guest speaker. I met Matt briefly back in 2015 when he was just starting out at the Cornwall Good Seafood Guide and I have always wanted him to do a talk for all of us and it was definitely worth the wait. So thank you Matt and Sarah. My takeaway from it was the importance of how fish on the menu is actually caught before it gets to your plate and how chefs should write it, educating the diner and the establishment about sustainable fishing methods i.e the word Line Caught.

It was lovely to welcome so many new faces tonight as well as seeing old friends. Thank you for your continuous support, without it I wouldn't be able to host these incredible events.
Taor x


2nd Vietnamese supper club
